Liebster Award


Liebster, meaning “Dearest” or “Beloved” in German, is an award for talented bloggers with less than 200 followers.  I first learned of the award when Chelsea of Chelsea Postgrad Nomad nominated me.  Less than 24 hours later, I was also nominated by Samantha of Beyond the 813.  Since I’m feeling doubly loved, my Q&A will contain questions from both Chelsea and Samantha.   Thanks ladies! 


1)  How many stamps do you have in your passport and where are they from?

None.  I just received my second passport in the mail, hot and fresh off the press.  My first passport only had two stamps, both from Barcelona.  Although it was issued in 2002, I didn’t take my first international trip until 2012.  Moral of the story…never give up.


2)  Do you have any trips planned for next year? If so, where?

My 2014 travel plans will lead me back to Spain.  This time, I’ll be expanding through central and western Spain.


3)  Do you normally over pack or under pack? 

I’m a proud over packer.  For example, I always pack two pairs of underwear for each day I’ll spend at my destination.  I was in Barcelona for 13 days.  You do the math.


4)  How far in advance do you plan your trips?

As an obsessive planner, I typically plan trips at least six months in advance.


5)  Would you rather have the ability to transport or fluently speak any language?

I would rather fluently speak a language because language enhances travel.  As someone who is bilingual (English and Spanish), I’m a firm believer that being able to speak the language greatly affects the travel experience.


6)  What has been the most unexpected cultural difference (law, tradition, norm, etc.) you’ve encountered?

For me, the most unexpected cultural difference I've encountered is the attitude towards tipping.  In the United States, tipping is encouraged and expected.  However, after several of my tips were left behind in Spain, I learned that it can be viewed as offensive.


7)  Most embarrassing moment experienced during your travels?

I’m extremely clumsy.  I’ve come to accept this about myself.  One day, while strolling through the Ciutat Vella neighborhood in Barcelona, I missed my step and tripped into the doorway of a place of worship.  I didn’t fall, but my stumble made such a loud noise that the worshippers looked up.  I was mortified!


8)  What is number one on your travel bucket list right now? 

I’m partial to Spanish-speaking countries and learning different dialects, so I would have to say Buenos Aires, Argentina.


9)  Best tip on budget traveling?

Exchange money before your trip.  With a few clicks, you can order money online and pick up it at the mall.  You’ll save a ton on exchange fees and get hours of your life back.


10)  In a sentence, why travel?

I walked 18 blocks to school each way, every day, in Barcelona.  At the time, it felt like cruel and unusual punishment.  Back home, I turned walking into jogging.  I’ve lost 17 lbs as a result of that.  More importantly, it taught me patience with others and myself.  Travel makes you a better person.  Seriously, if you’re still a jerk after traveling, you didn’t stay long enough. 


It's your turn!  Here are the rules for the Liebster Nominations!
  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  2. Answer the 10 questions given to you by the nominator.
  3. Nominate other bloggers for the award that have less than 200 followers.
  4. Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
  5. Let the nominees know that they have been nominated by going to their blog and notifying them.

And the nominees are…

Here are your questions:
1.  After which trip did you have the “I Should Start a Blog” aha moment?
2.  What do you enjoy most about blogging?
3.  There are some nuisances that only bloggers can relate to.  What annoys you the most about blogging?
4.  If you could purchase a summer home in any country, where would it be?
5.  Do your family and friends support your incurable desire to travel?
6.  What is your preferred method of travel (e.g. family, friends, solo)?
7.  Which passport stamp are you most proud of?  Why?
8.  Have you ever traveled to a destination that you have no desire to return to?
9.  Old habits die hard.  What’s the one thing you do in every destination you visit?
10.  What are your travel plans for 2014? 

Enjoy and keep sharing the blogger love!


  1. Cheketa, thank you so much for the nomination! I'm thrilled and will finish my post tomorrow. Thanks! :-)

  2. Hi Cheketa -
    I have my post done. Thank you so much for the nomination!!!

    1. You're very welcome! Happy New Year and continued success on your blog!
